Meetings with employers
Organized meetings with employers in order to create a high-quality educational environment
As part of measures to improve the educational process at the departments of the University of "Syrdariya" from September 29 to October 07, 2021, the teaching staff and students met with leading specialists-employers.
During the events, round tables were held to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of all 26 Bachelor's and 6 Master's EPs. During the discussion, the heads of 9 departments, members of the Academic Committees responsible for the development of educational programs spoke, who introduced them to the goals, objectives and content of educational programs, focused on the principles of a competence-based approach to learning, stages of formation of an educational program, the formation of learning outcomes and criteria for their achievement.
Employers and those present listened with great interest to the speech and made their suggestions, recommendations and positive feedback on educational programs: educational programs fully meet the requirements of training competitive highly qualified personnel capable of independent thinking and ensuring progressive scientific, technical, socio-economic and cultural development of society, highly qualified specialists with a high level of professional culture.
As a result of the discussion, teachers and students thanked the guests for their interesting suggestions, which will be taken into account when updating and developing new educational programs.
Educational and methodical management