Seminar-training "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Youth Entrepreneurship"
A seminar on "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Attracting Youth to Entrepreneurship" was held for 3-4 year students.
The goal:
- implementation of the state youth policy in the area;
- involvement of youth in entrepreneurship;
- Explanation of state programs for youth.
The seminar was attended by the head of the department of mass entrepreneurship development MSO "Employment Center of Zhetysai district akimat" Mankaraev NS, specialist of the department of mass entrepreneurship development MSO "Employment Center of Zhetysai district akimat" Usen K.Zh. Chief Specialist of the Department N. Bozayev, Manager of MSO "Turkistan" Business Service Center Dintayev N.
Organizers: Youth Resource Center of the Department of Internal Policy of Zhetysai district, Department of Youth Affairs and Vocational Guidance and Employment of Syrdariya University.
In the form of discussions, questions and answers, students will learn more about government programs for young people.