Syrdariya University is located in the small center of remote regions of Kazakhstan. The staff of the university is replenished annually with qualified specialists. In particular, Slambekova Zamzagul Ainabekovna from Almaty was appointed to the position of Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs in 2020 after a competition. In this regard, we conducted a special interview with the new specialist on education at Syrdarya University.
- Zamzagul Ainabekovna, did you come to such a remote area of your own free will or were you propagandized?
- Today we live in a democratic society. But some people don't understand it very well. Currently, there is a lot of work for able-bodied people (not lazy) and any qualified specialist. That's why I know that I don't need to go far abroad. I want to apply all my knowledge and work to my country, my homeland.
Frankly, I did not know that there is a university "Syrdarіya" in Zhetysai, Kazakhstan. If I hadn't heard about Myrzashol, I wouldn't have been here. That is, I learned on the Internet.
- So you are interested...
- Certainly. I got some information about Syrdarіya University from the Internet. I like it. Being a vice-rector of a university is a very responsible job. To perform this function at your level requires knowledge and skills.
- Well, why did you come here and see it for the first time?
The first thing that stands out here is the main building of the university, located on the main street of Zhetysay. Women immediately pay attention to cleanliness. When I entered the building, the first thing I liked was the cleanliness. Words on the walls and various portraits seem to call young people to knowledge and a new life. It was immediately clear that the culture of communication between university teachers and the etiquette of students is higher than in other educational institutions. I told the founder of the university, Onalbai Ayashevich: “Your signature is felt here.”
The university library is rich in books. Having visited the hostel, the Palace of Students, the research laboratory, I realized that there is no such modern material and technical base in any state university. So I decided that I really needed to learn how to do it right.
- What would you advise to those who say that this region is a rural area, to those who miss the central cities?
- I do not agree with the opinion that the system of higher education is developed only in large cities or that quality education can be obtained only in the center, in large cities. Based on my experience as a teacher and a professional, I can say that Syrdariya University, located in Zhetysay, is in no way inferior to universities in the central cities of Kazakhstan. Today, about 3,400 students study at our university. This is a big pride.
Applicants should consult and share ideas with their parents, but it is important that they have their own views and personal decisions in choosing a profession and university. I want to remind the youth that Syrdarya University in this small town is one of the leading universities in the education system of the Turkestan region. There is a Kazakh proverb: I also want to tell the youth that here you can get a higher education and serve wherever you want, in your specialty.
- Yes, you're right. What do you think a modern student should look like?
- Every parent teaches with great hope that his sons and daughters will receive a higher education and a profession. Education is not for young people, on the contrary, young people should strive for education. The hopes and expenses of parents for education will pay off only when their son or daughter finishes school, gets a profession and gets a job. Therefore, modern students should be inquisitive, creative, passionate about innovation, always proactive, active and resourceful. In the absence of these qualities, access to quality education is unlikely. The ability of the student must be constantly focused on learning and continuous learning. The main value here is that if a person cognizes himself through knowledge, the great thinker Abai, by the way, can become a brick in the wall of the world. That is why it is so important to find the right path in education.
Syrdariya University is a modern educational institution that trains highly qualified specialists to solve constantly changing socio-economic and social problems in the field. I think that soon all Kazakhstanis will be proud of such an educational institution.
We all know that the methods of teaching and learning that have been used so far have changed. We need to be able to adapt to working with a virtual platform and convince students of the benefits and effectiveness of this approach. After all, all developed countries have long switched to the Internet. Why should we fall behind them?
- What would you say about your students?
- Our students are almost from the village, they were raised by grandparents. Only one or two active students speak, the rest are silent. The rural shyness of the youth prevails. To awaken their activity, first the teachers, and then the students, need to move forward. They need to learn how to speak in public and express themselves freely. Greatness doesn't take time. And I was pleased with their passion for knowledge.
There is a lot of work to be done in the future. One of the most effective ways to attract young people to education is to hold online and offline meetings with distinguished professionals of the country. We teach students how to ask and answer questions online.
- What other opportunities do you have for the students of Syrdarya University?
- All conditions are created for applicants who want to study. Students can go to other universities and get acquainted with the methods of teaching there. Even if he wants to study there, he will be allowed to change clothes. Mutual agreements are concluded with foreign universities. Students from there can come to us, and our students can go there to exchange experiences and continue their education. Knows the world, learns a foreign language. Isn't this a great opportunity?
- How important is the relationship with schools?
- In principle, close cooperation between the university and the school is a very important measure to improve the quality of education. The beginning of mastering teaching methods, gaining experience begins at school. In the future, we will open a master class and hold seminars and trainings for schoolchildren. Such meetings will be held by our scientists, young teachers and senior students. We also plan to open refresher courses for school teachers. In addition, in the future we plan to organize a tour of our university for parents and graduates.
- What should a student do every day?
- Every student should get used to creating an agenda. I get up at six o'clock in the morning. For me, every minute counts 24 hours a day. For example, if the sun rises and we go to bed at nine o'clock instead of getting up early, we will miss about three o'clock. Get up early and walk in the fresh air for about an hour, do physical exercises. Read literary books, newspapers and magazines with a rested head at night. Plan what you will do today, and then proceed calmly. Modernity does not tolerate laziness and idleness.
- I'm glad to hear you say that you should read books, newspapers and magazines. However, our youth has become so addicted to mobile phones that they are not interested in the works of a candidate who began to forget the names of our famous writers and began to appear in the world of prose and poetry.
- When we were students, first of all we tried to read the news in newspapers and magazines. And meeting with famous writers was a great happiness. We held creative meetings with young writers. As a result of such activities, we have lost our youth and our thoughts and consciousness have grown.
As one thinker put it, "People who read, watch TV, and operate computers and telephones." Therefore, I advise students to buy and read new literary books, subscribe to newspapers and magazines. It has many things that you need. If you want to deepen your knowledge, keep reading.
- Do you have anything to say to the graduates?
- Maktaaral and Zhetysay districts have a population of more than 340 thousand people, about 130 schools. There are also neighboring Shardara, Saryagash and Keles regions. The Syrdariya University was opened for them. We hope that local residents will guide their children in choosing a university. Our university is always waiting for the youth to study and study.
- Thanks for the great interview. We wish you success in your work!
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