Француз тілі студенттеріне арналған ашық онлайн сабақ
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21 қазан күні 5В011900 - «Шетел тілі: екі шет тілі» білім беру бағдарламасы бойынша ШТ-18 тобының үшінші курс студенттерімен «Passй composй» тақырыбында «Екінші шетел тілінің практикалық курсы (A1, A2 деңгейлері)» тақырыбында ашық онлайн сабақ өткізілді.
Сабақты «Шетел тілдері» кафедрасының оқытушысы Даулет Г.М.
Ашық сабақтарын материадары: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/3pXY/2mrPisAuq
Бейнематериалдары: https://youtu.be/L_pOpoK46zI
Төменде ашық сабақтың жоспары мен барысы көрсетілген.
The theme of the teamwork: Passé composé.
I. Plan of the lesson:
1. Talk about activities they did on the weekend.
2. Conjugate the Passé Composé of regular ER verbs.
Content of the lesson:
In this lesson, we are going to tackle one of the more complicated parts of the French language–talking about the past. The passé compose tense called also the conversational past tense is used when talking about something that happened and was completed at a definite time in the past. Before learning the passé compose Student should know the two auxiliaries «Avoir» and «Etre» and the past participle of verb.
Student background knowledge: (what was learnt before that will be built on in this lesson). Have learned in a previous lesson the day before to recognize the passé compose in a Power point presentation about Holidays in Paris.They also have learnt to use the auxiliary «avoir» with past participle.
Lesson course:
When speaking about the past in English, you choose which past tense to use depending on the context and the meaning you wish to convey. In French sentences, you choose which past tense you use depending only on the meaning you wish to convey.The Passé Composé (Past Tense) is the most common past tense in French. It is used to express an action or event (or a series of actions or events) completed in the past. To conjugate a verb in the passé composé, the auxiliary (or helping) verb, usually avoir, is conjugated in the present indicative and the past participle is then added. It is important to remember that there is only *one* verb in the passé composé. While the past participle looks like a verb, it is not - it functions more like an adjective. This is important to remember because when you negate in the passé composé, you negate the only verb, which is the auxiliary verb (ex. "Je n'ai pas mangé"; "I have not eaten"). This works exactly the same way in English - the only verb is the auxiliary verb, which is also the only thing negated in English ("I have not eaten").Formation summary.The compound past is a compound tense- it consists of two verbs, the auxiliary verb ("helper verb") and the past participle of the verb one seeks to use in this tense.To form the passé composé, you need to take the auxiliary verb - either avoir or être, then conjugate it according to the subject of the sentence, like in the present indicativetense. We then take the past participle of the verb, and stick that on the end. Every verb has one past participle that does not change (there are some exceptions, as one will learn later). To find the past participle, the stem of the infinitive must be determined or the irregularity must be known.If we want to make the statement negative, for example if we didn't do something in the past, we must always put the negative structure such as ne ... pas around the auxiliary verb, immediately before the past participle. For example, "Je ne peux pas",.Also, reflexive or pronomial verbs must be conjugated with être under most circumstances. For example, the verb "se réflechir" is conjugated in the first person singular by "Je me suis réflechi(e),".
(French First Year)
Topic: Est-ce que tu as regardé les Grammys ?
At the end of the class, the students should be able to:
1. State what they or others did.
2. Give detailed descriptions about what happened at different events.
Single session
At the end of the class, the students should be able to:
3. Review the conjugation of the verb Avoir in the Present tense.
4. Create sentences using the verb avoir.
On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time. Depending on the context, either individual or group brainstorming is effective and learners generate ideas quickly and freely. The good characteristics of brainstorming is that the students are not criticized for their ideas so students will be open to sharing new ideas.
Students can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard from somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates. Story telling fosters creative thinking. It also helps students express ideas in the format of beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and setting a story has to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the very beginning of each class session, the teacher may call a few students to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening.
“Bonjour classe. Aujourd’hui nous allons apprendre Le Passé Composé.
Step 1:
Students will be placed in pairs and handed a worksheet per group. Activity Sheets accompanying 120 min lesson plan.docx Through discovery learning strategy, students will read the sentences on the worksheet which are written in the past tense and use the information which they have deduced to complete the questions on the worksheet on the formation of the Passé Composé. During this time teacher will circulate class to provide assistance and guidance where necessary.
Step 2:
After six (6) minutes, teacher will review answers to questions on worksheet with class. Pairs will be selected randomly to answer questions.
Step 3:
Students will now view powerpoint presentation on formation of the Passé Composé. Le Passe Composeppt.pptx .Students will follow slide information while teacher reads out information on Passé Composé. At different intervals teach will solicit students’ participation to respond to questions on formation of past tense in English and French.
Step 4:
Teacher will ask students whether they understand the concept or whether they have any questions pertaining to the concept. If necessary, clarifications and or re explanations will be done.
1. Individually, students will complete the table on the worksheet for the formation of the Passe Compose. After, four (4) minutes the teacher will review the answers orally with the class. The answers for the activity will be viewed on the screen.
2. Students will participate in oral activity. Teacher will place five (5) verbs using avoir in the past tense on the power point screen. Using the Passe Compose, students will ask their partner the question "Qu'est-ce que tu as fait hier?" The partner will select any of the verbs on the board to make a sentence in the Passe Compose to talk about one (1) activity he or she did lastnight by responding "Alors hier soir ..." Following this activity five pairs will be selected to present their mini dialogues orally.
3. Next, students and their partner will use their laptops to go to internet website: http://www.realfrench.net/module.php?unit=588. They will work together with their partner to complete the timed conjugation activity on the formation of the Passe Compose. The website will automatically generate questions and give feedback. Once students have finished this activity they will play the millionaire game on the same website. As an incentive, teacher should reward students with tokens for completing the activity. Teacher will circulate the class and provide guidance where necessary.
Main points of lesson will be reviewed on powerpoint. (Teacher will select students who have not answered previously to respond to questions).
1. What is the Passé Composé
2. Why is it called a compound tense?
3. How is it formed?
4. Conjugate the verb "Avoir".
5. What are the past participle endings for -er, -re and ir verbs?
1.Popova,Kazakova «French».
2. Gaston Moje «French».