Attracting applicants from Zhambyl region
On April 26, 2024, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work Galymzhan Shamshidinuly Bitursyn and Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Economics and Law Almara Erkinovna Nauryzbekova were in Taraz to carry out career guidance work. The vice-rector of the university gave an interview to the morning program “Rauan” of the regional TV channel “JAMBYL”. Galymzhan Shamshidinuly spoke about Zhumabek Tashenev University, the directions of educational activities and the advantages of our higher educational institution. At the same time, a meeting was organized with the Zhambyl regional department of education and specific agreements were reached. As a result, the Zhambyl regional TV channel publishes advertising information about the University Zh. Tashenev. In addition, an agreement was concluded that the teaching staff of our university will regularly conduct interviews.