Department of "Music and song"

Azizkhanova Didar Karimzhanovna

Head of the Department, PHD 

Phone: +7 777 153 4501


About the department

The department prepares specialists for 6B01402-Training of music teachers/6B01408-Music education (IR)/6B02121-Vocal education programs.
In 2020, the Department of "Music and Song" was reorganized on the basis of the merger of the Department of "Musical Education" and the Department of "Fine Art and Design". The Department of "Musical Education" was first established in 1996. The department was headed by Buri Isa, a culture figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.In 2023, he continued his work as the "Art and clay" department.Due to the addition of the new BBU and the increase in the number of students, the Department of "Art and Clay" was separated, and in September 2024, the Department of "Clay and Song" was opened. Currently, the department is managed by Ph.D. Dr. Azizkhanova Didar Karimzhanovna.
The department trains music and pop vocal specialists.10 professors work in the department.
They include: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - 1, Associate Professor - 2, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - 1, Culture Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher - 1, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher - 2 teachers are working. The basic knowledge of the teaching staff of the department is in accordance with the educational programs.
All classrooms belonging to the "Music and Song" department are equipped with appropriate methodological textbooks, visual aids, instruments and equipment.

Staff of professors and teachers

The professor-teaching staff of the department conducts research and methodical work in the fields of general music education and pop vocals. At the same time, he supervises the scientific works of students.
Department's POC list
1. Azizkhanova Didar Karimzhanovna
2. Bori Isa
3. Mazhitov Ulukbek Halmatovych
4. Meirbekov Berikbai Bekmatovich
5. Tumanova Gulzada Askarovna
6. Baigunova Dinara Madikhanovna
7. Meirbekov Zhambyl Berikbaevich
8. Mashir Perizat Ilesovna
9. Estemesova Saule Smatullaevna
10. Khashimkhanova Diana Ravilievna

The professor-teachers of the department have several textbooks, teaching-methodical tools, teaching-methodical complexes (syllabus) based on the credit technology system, methodological instructions of subjects, lecture collections, OBSR texts and electronic textbooks, etc. created methodological tools.
The staff of the "Music and Song" department has been working tirelessly to train qualified specialists and future art teachers, singers and musicians who serve the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the fields of education and culture. The professor-teachers of the department are engaged in creative work and are laureates of Republican, international and regional festivals of various levels. In particular, Buri Isa, a cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a laureate of several Republican competitions. At the same time, the great teacher Buri Isa's collection of songs "Zheltoksan", "Altyn zgozhan my home", "Jideli Baisyn", "Holiday mood", "Missing", "Nauriz toy", "Zenhys zholy" are popular in all parts of Kazakhstan. - is included in the repertoires of leading orchestras around the world.
The professor-teaching staff of the department actively participates and contributes to all events held at the faculty, university, district level.
The department prepares specialists in 6B01402-Training of music teachers/6B01408-"Music education" (IR), 6B02121-Vocal in variety/ educational programs. Graduates of these educational programs are currently contributing to the development of education and science and culture of Kazakhstan.

Educational programs

6B01402-Training of music teachers

2.1. Goals and objectives of the educational program
The main goal of the educational program is to implement the state requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in the specialty "Training of Music Teachers" in accordance with the goals of the strategic development plan and the mission of the university.
Objectives of the educational program:
 - Preparation of pedagogical personnel who are competitive in the field of music education, capable of creatively solving music-pedagogical problems, have a high musical culture, and are adapted to the conditions of the current labor market;
- at the appropriate level and profile, creative, responsible, well-versed in his profession, always ready for professional growth and able to organize his work activities on a scientific basis, has quality knowledge in the subject area; training of a qualified specialist capable of creatively solving music-pedagogical problems on the basis of modern teaching methods, tools and technology.
Objectives of the educational program:
- formation of socially responsible behavior in society, understanding the importance of professional ethical standards and compliance with these standards;
- training of teachers who understand the strategic goals of Kazakh music education, who can plan and design educational activities according to the updated educational content;
- to develop the ability to communicate with classical and modern music samples, to feel the need for it;
- creation of an educational-creative atmosphere that encourages study of the subject area and joint learning, creative and research activities of the student and the teacher.
- development of creative activity and creative abilities of students by participation in concert events (participation in Olympiads, contests, concerts, festivals).
2.2. OP values
The main values ​​defined in the content of the OP:
- patriotism and civic responsibility;
- respect;
- cooperation;
- openness.

- Conducting theoretical and performance analysis of musical works, applying basic theoretical knowledge in the process of searching for interpretive solutions.
- To use the technical means of sound recording in performing activities, to conduct rehearsal work and recording in studio conditions;
Pedagogical activity:
-Using knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, special and musical-theoretical subjects in educational activities;
- Planning the development of professional skills of students;
- Organization and analysis of the educational process, use of basic knowledge and practical experience in the methodology of preparing and conducting lessons in the executive class;
- Application of classical and modern methods of teaching vocal subjects, analysis of features of domestic and world vocal schools;
- Conducting festive events;
Organization of the work of the performing team:
- Planning one's activities;
- Creation of specific tasks for the implementation of the project of cultural and mass events;
-Using sound recording, sound producing, amplifying equipment and other sound technical equipment
- Setting tasks, motivating the activities of subordinates, organizing and controlling their work, assuming responsibility for the results of tasks.

3.2. Field of professional activity of the graduate
 Graduates of the educational program 6В01402 "training of music teachers" carry out their professional activities in the field of education, organizations of the cultural system, research and design industry institutes.
 Objects of professional activity of bachelors: general education school, school-lyceum, school-gymnasium, children's music school, art school, educational institutions of additional education, preschool education and training system, specialized educational institutions, secondary vocational educational institutions, culture and art are educational institutions
 Also, they can carry out professional activities in other fields and (or) areas of professional activity if their level of education and acquired competences meet the requirements for the qualifications of employees.
3.3. Forms of the graduate's professional activity
- Implementation of pedagogical and teaching-methodical activities in professional and additional educational organizations;
- Management and regulation systems of technical and professional, post-secondary education.
- Participation in the process of research, design and organization of concert activity;
- Organization of rehearsal and concert work, planning and analysis of the results of own activities
- Implementation of musical and performing activities in the context of theater-concert organizations individually, as part of and in ensemble groups.
3.4. Types of professional activity of the graduate
 - Pedagogical activity (educational and methodological support of the learning process in additional educational organizations, general educational organizations, professional educational organizations);

6В02112 –"Pop Vocal"

2.1. Goals and objectives of the educational program
The main goal of the educational program was determined in accordance with the goals and mission of the strategic development plan of the university, to implement the State requirements for the content and training level of graduates in the specialty "Pop Music Art".
Objectives of the educational program:
Highly qualified students with modern disciplinary, creative, entrepreneurial competences, aimed at developing the creative abilities of students by introducing them to the art of singing, forming a culture of performing pop and vocal works, creating high-quality content in the field of pop vocal performance art, and organizing the musical-creative process required by modern society. training a new generation of pop vocal performers.
Objectives of the educational program:
- Formation of socially responsible behavior in society, understanding the importance of professional ethical norms and observing these norms;
- Creation of conditions for identification, development and realization of musical and creative abilities through pop vocal genre.
- Development of a well-rounded and harmonious personality based on education of moral and voluntary and moral-ethical qualities, training of students in the field of vocal art, awakening of creative abilities of soloists-vocalists.
- To support the development of artistic taste, creative abilities, cognitive interest in pop music, to expand musical thinking.
- Development of creative activity and creative abilities of students by involving them in concert activity (participation in Olympiads, contests, concerts, festivals).
-Creation of a learning-creative atmosphere that stimulates the subject area and co-educational creative and research activities of students and teachers

2.2. OP values
The main values ​​defined in the content of the OP:
- patriotism and civic responsibility;
- respect;
- cooperation;
- openness.

3.2 Field of professional activity of the graduate
6B02112 - graduates of the "pop vocal" educational program carry out their professional activities in the field of education, culture, art, media, and show business organizations.
Also, they can perform professional activities in other fields and (or) areas of professional activity if their level of education and acquired competences meet the requirements for the qualifications of employees.
3.3 forms of graduate professional activity
- performance of communicative and mediating functions in the relations between the customer, local community and other interested parties on formulating, explaining and promoting project decisions;
- participation in the process of research, design and organization; - implementation of pedagogical and teaching-methodical activities in professional and additional educational organizations;
- organization of rehearsal and concert work, planning and analysis of the results of own activities
- implementation of musical performance activities in ensemble, orchestral jazz collectives in the context of theater-concert organizations.
3.4 types of graduate professional activity
- Musical performance activity (as an orchestra, ensemble artist, concertmaster, soloist of concert organizations);
- Pedagogical activity (educational and methodological support of the learning process in additional educational organizations (Children's art schools by art), general educational organizations, professional educational organizations);
- Organizational and managerial activity (organization of rehearsal work and concert activities as a producer);

3.5 tasks of the graduate's professional activity
Music performance service:
- Accepting, independently mastering and performing individual works of classical, modern and pop-jazz musical literature;
- Implementation of musical and performing activities individually, as well as in the context of theater-concert organizations as part of ensembles and orchestral groups;
- Mastering individual, ensemble and orchestral performance repertoire, mastering the culture of oral and written speech, professional terminology;
- Conducting theoretical and performance analysis of musical works, applying basic theoretical knowledge in the process of searching for interpretive solutions.
- To use the technical means of sound recording in performing activities, to conduct rehearsal work and recording in studio conditions;
Pedagogical activity:
-Using knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, special and musical-theoretical subjects in educational activities;
- Planning the development of professional skills of students;
- Organization and analysis of the educational process, use of basic knowledge and practical experience in the methodology of preparing and conducting lessons in the executive class;
- Application of classical and modern methods of teaching vocal subjects, analysis of features of domestic and world vocal schools;
- Conducting festive events;


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